Default Floating Button Configuration
data class DefaultFloatingButtonConfiguration(val anchor: Int = Gravity.BOTTOM or Gravity.START, val margins: DefaultFloatingButtonMargins = DefaultFloatingButtonMargins(), val backgroundTint: Int = 0xFF1BC74E.toInt(), val iconTint: Int = 0xFFF4F4F5.toInt(), val iconResIds: Map<ConversationChannel, Int> = mapOf(
CHAT to R.drawable.iadvize_sdk_ic_chat,
VIDEO to R.drawable.iadvize_sdk_ic_video
Data object that holds the configuration of the Conversation SDK Default Floating Button.
The floating button anchor gravity on the screen. This will change the button position by anchoring it to the screen following the given gravity. Default is Gravity.BOTTOM | Gravity.START (button shows on bottom left part of the screen).
The floating button margins. This will change the button position by applying the given margins to it. Default is (12-12-12-12). Please note that the button also has a fixed padding of 12dp.
background Tint
The floating button background color tint. Default is #1BC74E.
icon Tint
The floating button icon color tint. Default is #F4F4F5.
icon Res Ids
A map of icons res ids for each conversation channel.
Link copied to clipboard
constructor(anchor: Int = Gravity.BOTTOM or Gravity.START, margins: DefaultFloatingButtonMargins = DefaultFloatingButtonMargins(), backgroundTint: Int = 0xFF1BC74E.toInt(), iconTint: Int = 0xFFF4F4F5.toInt(), iconResIds: Map<ConversationChannel, Int> = mapOf(
CHAT to R.drawable.iadvize_sdk_ic_chat,
VIDEO to R.drawable.iadvize_sdk_ic_video