Default Floating Button Configuration
constructor(anchor: Int = Gravity.BOTTOM or Gravity.START, margins: DefaultFloatingButtonMargins = DefaultFloatingButtonMargins(), backgroundTint: Int = 0xFF1BC74E.toInt(), iconTint: Int = 0xFFF4F4F5.toInt(), iconResIds: Map<ConversationChannel, Int> = mapOf(
CHAT to R.drawable.iadvize_sdk_ic_chat,
VIDEO to R.drawable.iadvize_sdk_ic_video
The floating button anchor gravity on the screen. This will change the button position by anchoring it to the screen following the given gravity. Default is Gravity.BOTTOM | Gravity.START (button shows on bottom left part of the screen).
The floating button margins. This will change the button position by applying the given margins to it. Default is (12-12-12-12). Please note that the button also has a fixed padding of 12dp.
background Tint
The floating button background color tint. Default is #1BC74E.
icon Tint
The floating button icon color tint. Default is #F4F4F5.
icon Res Ids
A map of icons res ids for each conversation channel.