Package-level declarations


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data class DefaultFloatingButtonConfiguration(val anchor: Int = Gravity.BOTTOM or Gravity.START, val margins: DefaultFloatingButtonMargins = DefaultFloatingButtonMargins(), val backgroundTint: Int = 0xFF1BC74E.toInt(), val iconTint: Int = 0xFFF4F4F5.toInt(), val iconResIds: Map<ConversationChannel, Int> = mapOf( CHAT to R.drawable.iadvize_sdk_ic_chat, VIDEO to R.drawable.iadvize_sdk_ic_video ))

Data object that holds the configuration of the Conversation SDK Default Floating Button.

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Controller in charge of Default Floating Button.

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data class DefaultFloatingButtonMargins(val start: Int = 12, val top: Int = 12, val end: Int = 12, val bottom: Int = 12)

Margin wrapper object for the Conversation SDK Default Floating Button.

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Options for the Conversation SDK Default Floating Button strategy.