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open class ActivationException(val description: String = "Error while activating the iAdvize Conversation SDK") : IAdvizeSDK.Error

Exception thrown when an error is encountered while activating the SDK.

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Exception thrown when the network cannot be reach. SDK needs a network connection in order to work.

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General exception for non-specific SDK process errors.

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Exception thrown when the iAdvize SDK GraphQL API encounters an error.

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Exception thrown when the current conversation is in an invalid state.

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Exception thrown when an invalid visitor JWT is used in the SDK process.

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Exception thrown when trying to activate the SDK with an invalid project id.

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Exception thrown when trying to activate the SDK with an invalid user id.

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Exception thrown when the network cannot be reach. SDK needs a network connection in order to work.

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Exception thrown when using the SDK while it is not activated.

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Exception thrown when using the SDK while it is not initiated.

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Exception thrown when the network cannot be reach. SDK needs a network connection in order to work.

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Exception thrown when failing to authenticate a visitor duringSDK activation.


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open val cause: Throwable?
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open val message: String?


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