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@iadvize-oss/hello-world - v0.2.0


Continuous integration

This is a repo template for other javascript oss libraries at iAdvize. Use it for your new library to have a repository set up with lint, test and usefull github workflows.


Continuous integration

Runs lint, test and build on every commit.

Continuous delivery

Publish canary versions of the library for pull requests. Publish latest version once a pull request is merged on master.

Automatic version bump

Flag your pull requests with patch, minor, major to increment the version of your package or with no-release otherwise.

Automatic changelog bump

Simply complete the Unreleased section of the changelog in your pull request. It will be update to the new version once merge.

Automatic release creation

Github releases are created automatically on a new version, using the corresponding part of the changelog as content.

Automatic rebase and merge

Flagging a pull request with the keep-rebased-then-merge flag with keep it rebased until it can me merged.

Automatic Github Pages documentation release

Merging a pull request on master will push a new generation of the documentation on gh-pages (example)'


See config

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