Package-level declarations


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data class ChatboxConfiguration @JvmOverloads constructor(var mainColor: Int = 0xFF1BC74E.toInt(), var fontPath: String? = null, var incomingMessageBackgroundColor: Int? = null, var incomingMessageTextColor: Int? = null, var incomingMessageStrokeColor: Int? = null, var outgoingMessageBackgroundColor: Int? = mainColor, var outgoingMessageTextColor: Int? = null, var outgoingMessageStrokeColor: Int? = null, var accentColor: Int? = mainColor, var toolbarBackgroundColor: Int? = mainColor, var toolbarMainColor: Int? = null, var toolbarTitle: String? = null, var incomingMessageAvatar: IncomingMessageAvatar? = null, var automaticMessage: String? = null, var gdprMessage: String? = null)

Data object that holds the configuration of the Chatbox.

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Controller in charge of Chatbox configuration & update.

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interface ChatboxListener

Interface called when chatbox is updated.